LA Biblioteca

LA Biblioteca

‘LA Biblioteca’ is an exhibition of artists’ books that places the work of 8 Italian and 8 LA-based artists together. In the title, the presence of the Italian term “Library”, not translated into the English as Library. This alludes not only to the participation of Italian artists but also to the contents relating to Italian culture, also present in the works of LA artists. Also in the title, the article LA has a double meaning, not only is it the female article suitable for the term biblioteca but it is also the acronym of Los Angeles, the county that hosts the exhibition.

The books on display are 32, two for each artist, and range from unique single copies to graphic books in limited copies. The form varies, from the browsable book to a scroll that is spread out, from book objects to books made up of multiple folios. There are various materials, in addition to paper and cardboard also fabric, wood, mixed materials, glass. Techniques range from computerized to embroidery, from painting to photography, from collage to animation techniques.