Contemplating Apocalypse
Organized by Marshall Astor
Artists » Edith Abeyta / Marshall Astor / Sue Bamford / John Michael Gill / Alex Lilly / Adrian de la Pena / Allyson Shaw / Porous Walker / Meeson Pae Yang
Opening: Saturday, Sept. 9,
2006, 7-10 p.m.
Dates: Sept. 9 thru Oct. 8, 2006
Hours: Fri./Sat./Sun. 12 - 5 p.m.
Where: The Brewery Project 676 South Ave. 21 #33
The Brewery Project presents Contemplating Apocalypse, a group show of works by Los Angeles based artists, organized by Marshall Astor.
Apocalypse is a universal concept describing the process that leads to the unveiling of a new state through the destruction of an existing one. This exhibition consists of projects by nine artists exploring the concept of apocalypse.
Artist info:
Edith Abetya – is an artist with one foot in the world of installation
and the other in the realm of traditional crafts. She will be building a
post-apocalyptic domicile of found materials, industrial products and
garbage for gallery visitors to temporarily inhabit. In this project she
will be assisted by London clothing designers Sue Bamford and Allyson Shaw
who will be creating clothing for the imaginary resident(s) of the house.
Marshall Astor – is a conceptual artist and curator. His works are based
on his own personal fixations and fantasies about things that “should
happen” or that “need to be made.” For this project he will
constructing an installation environment that simultaneously references
contemporary post-apocalypse narratives and art history, while indulging
his own post-apocalyptic fantasies.
Sue Bamford - Sue Bamford is London based textile artist and designer
reinventing historical garment construction with reclaimed materials. She
will be contributing garments and objects to Edith Abeyta’s installation.
John Michael Gill – is a painter and ceramist; his work often touches
religious or biblical subjects. He will be addressing and depicting the
Christian Book of Revelations apocalypse through a series of paintings and
Alex Lilly – is a Portland, Oregon based activist and artist. Alex has
been painting large un-stretched canvases of American military vehicles in
Iraq on fire or in the process of their destruction since 2005, several of
which will be in the exhibition.
Adrian de la Pena – is the creator/author of a personal science fiction
narrative called Netsuke, which contains several apocalyptic themes. His
body of work consists of artifacts relevant to that narrative which he
will be constructing an environment of and for in this project.
Allyson Shaw – is a novelist, poet and knitter from Los Angeles, currently
living in London. She will be contributing clothing and objects to Edith
Abeyta’s installation.
Porous Walker – is a Napa, California based cartoonist and sculptor.
projects use everyday objects in humorous contexts to point out the simple
absurdity of many of our commonly held beliefs.
Meeson Pae Yang – is a sculptor and installation artist. Her body of
references the human body and the systems that it contains. For this
project she will be constructing an installation that addresses the
personal apocalypse that pushed her into art making.
Artist website links
Edith Abeyta –
Sue Bamford –
John Michael Gill –
Allyson Shaw –
Porous Walker –
Meeson Pae Yang -